Brassavolas, Rhyncholaelias and Their Hybrids
Laeliinae Subtribe

Image 273-3
Bepi. (syn. Psv.) Alex Hawkes
(B. nodosa x Psh. mariae)

Image 250-1
B. appendiculata

Image 267-1
B. (syn. Rl.) Aristocrat
(glauca x digbyana)

Image 147-1
B. (syn. Rl.) Aristocrat
(glauca x digbyana)

Image 261-1
Bc. (syn. Rlc.) Aussie Wedding Charm
(Island Charm x C. Hawaiian Wedding Song)

Image 269-7
Otr. (syn. Flr.) Automagically
(Vkt. Ernest Sombach x B. appendiculata)

Image 3-5
Bl. (syn. Bc.) Bessho
(C. tenebrosa x B. nodosa)

Image 266-3
Bc. Binosa 'Key Lime'
(B. nodosa x C. bicolor)

Image 267-3
Bc. (syn. Rlc.) Claudia Young
(C. Pulcherrima (1898) X Rl. glauca)

Image 256-1
Bc. Craig De Trini
(B. Little Stars x C. maxima)

Image 251-1
B. Crazyarachno
(perrinii x appendiculata)

Image 175-1
Bc. (syn. Rlc.) Cynthia 'Lilac Gem' AM/AOS
(Rl. digbyana x C. walkeriana)

Image 251-2
B. (syn. Rcv.) David Sander
(B. appendiculata x Rl. digbyana)

Image 199-1
Bc. (syn. Rlc.) Deesse 'Perfection' HCC/AOS
(Ferrières x C. Lamartine)

Image 244-1
Bc. (syn. Rlc.) Déesse 'French Lace' AM/AOS
(Ferrières x C. Lamartine)

Image 125-1
Bc. (syn. Rlc.) Diadem
(Rl. digbyana x C. Eleanor (1918))

Image 205-5
B. (syn. Rl.) digbyana

Image 205-5
B. (syn. Rl.) digbyana

Image 216-1
Bc. (syn. Rlc.) Digbyano-mossiae
(Rl. digbyana x C. mossiae)

Image 246-1
Bc. (syn. Rlc.) Digbyano-Schroderae
(Rl. digbyana x C. schroederae)

Image 229-1
B. (syn. Rcv.) Fairy Queen 'Archilee' HCC/AOS
(Jimminey Cricket x Rl. glauca)

Image 267-2
B. (syn. Rl.) glauca 'Pale Jade' AM/AOS

Image 221-2
Bc. Green Bird
(Binosa x B. Little Stars)

Image 134-2
Bc. (syn. Rlc.) Green Dragoon
(Harriet Moseley x C. bicolor)

Image 273-2
Bc. Hippodamia
(B. nodosa x C. aclandiae)

Image 129-2
Bc. (syn. Rlc.) Island Charm 'OC' JC/AOS
(Donna Kimura x C. intermedia)

Image 258-1
Bc. Jamie XOXO 'Joy Black' HCC/AOS
(C. labiata x B. appendiculata)

Image 134-1
B. (syn. Rcv.) Jimminey Cricket
(B. nodosa x Rl. digbyana)

Image 249-1
Bc. Joyce Hope Cosby
(C. Royal Walk x B. perrinii)

Image 250-2
B. Lady Of The Night
(subulifolia × grandiflora)

Image 3-3
Bc. (syn. Bct.) Little Mermaid
(C. walkeriana x Bsn. Maikai)

Image 254-2
B. Little Stars
(nodosa x subulifolia)

Image 167-1
Bc. (syn. Bsn.) Maikai 'Louise' AM/AOS
(B. nodosa x Gur. bowringiana)

Image 261-2
Bc. Mary Dodson
(B. nodosa X C. schilleriana)

Image 228-17
B. Maria del Carmen
(nodosa x flagellaris)

Image 277-3
Bl. (syn. Bc.) Morning Glory
(B. nodosa x C. purpurata)

Image 247-2
Blc. (syn. Bc.) Morning Song 'Neptune'
(Morning Glory x C. Melody Fair)

Image 187-1
Bc. (syn. Rlc.) Mrs. J. Leemann
(Rl. digbyana x C. dowiana)

Image 229-2
Bc. Nakornpathome Silver
(Binosa x B. nodosa)

Image 243-2
B. nodosa

Image 261-3
Bepi. (syn. Psv.) Notell 'Gold Country'
(B. nodosa x Psh. vitellina)

Image 263-1
B. perrinii

Image 166-1
Bc. (syn. Bct.) Punakea
(C. Lulu x Bsn. Maikai)

Image 196-1
Bl. (syn. Bc.) Richard Mueller 'Orchidheights' HCC/AOS
(B. nodosa x C. milleri)

Image 3-4
Bc. (syn. Bct.) Roman Holiday
(Ctt. Chocolate Drop x B. nodosa)

Image 229-3
Bc. South Miami
(B. nodosa x C. harrisoniana)

Image 240-1
Bc. Star Ruby
(B. nodosa x C. Batalinii)

Image 256-4
Bnts. (syn. Bc.) SunCoast Cernuan Chords
(C. cernua x B. subulifolia)

Image 256-2
Bl. Suncoast White Stars
(B. subulifolia x L. rubescens)

Image 149-1
Bc. (syn. Bsn.) Sunny Delight
(B. perrinii x Gur. aurantiaca)

Image 220-1
Bc. (syn. Bsn.) Sunny Delight 'MAJ'
(B. perrinii x Gur. aurantiaca)

Image 262-2
Bl. (syn. Bc.) Sunset Surprise
(C. tenebrosa x B. appendiculata)

Image 251-4
Bc. Theresa Ricci
(Hippodamia x C. aclandiae)

Image 241-2
Bc. Tramandai (syn. Fregoniana?)
(B. tuberculata x C. tigrina)

Image 218-2
Bl. (syn. Rby.) Tranquility?
(C. lobata x Rcv. David Sander)

Image 251-5
Bc. (syn. Rby.) Unbelievable Times
(Flyboy Jimmy Lawson x Rl. digbyana)

Image 274-1
Bc. Virginia Earthquake
(B. nodosa x C. Latona)

Image 269-18
Bc. Walter August
(C. Summer Spot x B. nodosa)

Image 262-1
B. Yaki 'Black's Best'
(appendiculata x nodosa)

Image 244-3
Bl. (syn. Bc.) Yellow Bird
(B. nodosa x Richard Mueller)
We continue to use the genus names per Sander. There have been many changes in taxonomy accepted by the RHS and AOS. The species glauca and digbyana have been tranferred into Rhyncholaelia (Rl.). Intergeneric hybrids include Brassocattleya (Bc.), Brassolaelia (Bl.), Brassolaeliocattleya (Blc.), Brassocatanthe (Bct.), Brassanthe (Bsn.), Rhynchobrassoleya (Rby.), Rhynchovola (Rcv.), Rhyncholaelia (Rl.) and Rhyncholaeliocattleya (Rlc.). In the hope of avoiding confusion, we also show the new genus names in parentheses where different from Sander nomenclature.