Latouria Section - Dendrobiinae Subtribe
Image 146-7
Den. aberrans
Image 179-6
Den. (aberrans x eximium)
Image 123-7
Den. alexandrae
Image 175-9
Den. convolutum
Image 168-9
Den. Elated
(macrophyllum x Fiftieth State)
Image 215-7
Den. Fire Wings
(Big Alex x Silver Wings)
Image 170-6
Den. Little Atro
(normanbyense x atroviolaceum)
Image 182-5
Den. Little Green Apples
(Green Elf x convolutum)
Image 147-4
Den. Micro Chip 'St. Augustine'
(normanbyense x aberrans)
Image 199-7
Den. Nano Chip
(Micro Chip x aberrans)
Image 159-6
Den. Roy Tokunaga
(atroviolaceum x johnsoniae)
Image 116-11
Den. spectabile
Image 190-12
Den. Spider Lily
(Roy Tokunaga x alexandrae)
Includes the species aberrans, alexandrae, atroviolaceum (syn. normanbyense), convolutum, eximium, forbesii, johnsoniae, macrophyllum, rhodostictum, spectabile and their hybrids
Culture Notes: Grow under cattleya conditions.