Oncidium Species and Hybrids
Oncidiinae Subtribe
Image 241-11
Onc. (syn. Gom.) crispa
Image 41-7
Onc. (syn. Ros.) ampliatum
Image 191-10
Onc. cebolleta
Image 245-14
Onc. Gold Dust
(Twinkle x cheirophorum)
Image 177-11
Onc. (syn. Oncsa.) Gower Ramsey 'Orange Delight'
(Goldiana x Guinea Gold)
Image 41-8
Onc. (syn. Trt.) lanceanum
Image 230-11
Onc. (syn. Gom.) longipes 'Woodlands'
Image 224-10
Onc. maculatum 'Paulo' AM/AOS
Image 229-20
Onc. (syn. Oncsa.) Makalii
(Onc. maculatum x Gom. sarcodes)
Image 272-11
Trcdm. (syn. Trt.) Ollie Palmer
(Maureen x haematochilum)
Image 226-7
Onc. pumilum
Image 165-8
Onc. Rosy Sunset 'Pacific Satin'
(Pupukea Sunset x sotoanum)
Image 164-12
Onc. Sharry Baby
(Jamie Sutton x Honolulu)
Image 226-8
Onc. sphacelatum
Image 246-18
Onc. (syn. Trt.) splendidum
Image 121-9
Onc. (syn. Oncsa.) Sweet Sugar 'Yellow King'
(Aloha Iwanaga x Gom. varicosa)
Image 201-10
Onc. Tsiku Marguerite
(Twinkle x sotoanum)
Image 267-10
Onc. Twinkle
(cheirophorum x sotoanum)
Image 129-11
Onc. (syn. Trt.) undulatum
We continue to use the genus names per Sander. There have been many changes in taxonomy accepted by the RHS and AOS. One section of Oncidium species has been moved to the genus Gomesa, including concolor, crispum, enderianum, forbesii, gardneri, marshallianum, varicosum and warscewiczii. Other species have been transferred into Rossioglossum (Ros.) including ampliatum, grande, insleayi, schlieperianum and williamsianum. The mule ear oncidium species lanceanum, splendidum, undulatum and others were transferred into the Trichocentrum genus. Intergeneric hybrids with Gomesa are Oncidesa (Oncsa.). In the hope of avoiding confusion, we also show the new genus names in parentheses where different from Sander nomenclature.