Ascocentrums and Ascocendas
Aeridinae Subtribe
Image 62-14
Ascocentrum (Asctm., now V.) ampullaceum 'Mr. Del Rei'
Image 139-11
Asctm. (syn. V.) ampullaceum 'Thai Pinky'
Image 172-11
Asctm. (syn. V.) ampullaceum 'Thai Snow'
Image 147-10
Ascocenda (Ascda., now V.) (Ann Reaben Prospero x Paki)
Image 233-13
Asctm. (syn. V.) aurantiacum
Image 141-8
Ascda. (syn. V.) Blue Tahourdin 'Bronze Grape' AM/AOS
(Karnda (1981) x tessellata)
Image 62-1
Ascda. (syn. V.) Boris
(Thai Spots x Pranerm Ornete)
Image 62-2
Ascda. (syn. V.) Chocolate Con Queso
(Kampirananda x Seechang)
Image 62-3
Ascda. (syn. V.) Claude Cugnon
(Rasri Gold x Fuchs Gold)
Image 247-17
Asctm. (syn. V.) curvifolium
Image 182-9
Asctm. (syn. V.) curvifolium
Image 207-11
Ascda. (syn. Pda.) David Foster
(Josephine van Brero x V. Kultana Gold)
Image 264-12
Ascda. (syn. V.) Fuchs Mandarin 'Robert' AM/AOS
(Meda Arnold x Kultana Gold)
Image 129-12
Ascda. (syn. V.) Fuchs Spotted Cat
(Fuchs Gold x Guo Chia Long)
Image 258-20
Asctm. (syn. V.) garayi
Image 62-5
Ascda. (syn. V.) (Gold Spots Delight x Pharaoh's Gold)
Image 242-18
Ascda. (syn. V.) Haad Ravai
(Memoria Madame Pranerm x Medasand)
Image 141-10
Ascda. (syn. V.) Jakkit Gold
(Jiraprapa x Rasri Gold)
Image 153-10
Ascda. (syn. V.) John De Biase 'Angela' AM/AOS
(Kasem's Delight x Yip Sum Wah)
Image 230-14
Ascda. (syn. Pda.) (Josephine Van Brero x V. Suksamran Sunlight)
Image 179-13
Ascda. (syn. V.) Kalapana Delight 'Sunrise'
(Spotted Denis x Chao Praya Sapphire)
Image 228-7
Ascda. (syn. V.) Kulwadee Fragrance
(Gordon Dillon x Guo Chia Long)
Image 265-13
Ascda. (syn. V.) Kulwadee Fragrance
(Gordon Dillon x Guo Chia Long)
Image 141-9
Ascda. (syn. V.) Maui Diamond
(Christine Ang x denisoniana)
Image 232-14
Ascda. (syn. V.) Memoria Gary Henington
(Crownfox Moonlight x Pepe Sanchez)
Image 150-12
Ascda. (syn. V.) Memoria Louis Hatos
(John De Biase x tessellata)
Image 263-19
Ascda. (syn. V.) Memoria Thianchai
(Fuchs Harvest Moon x Kenny Gold)
Image 225-10
Asctm. (syn. V.) miniatum
Image 205-11
Asctm. (syn. V.) miniatum
Image 185-14
Asctm. (syn. V.) Mona Church
(miniata x ampullacea)
Image 275-16
Ascda. (syn. V.) Motes Burning Sands 'Mary Motes'
(lamellata x Motes Goldpiece)
Image 152-10
Ascda. (syn. V.) Motes Hot Chestnut
(Bigness x merrillii)
Image 263-20
Ascda. (syn. V.) (Pakchong Gold x Bitz's Heartthrob)
Image 120-8
Christocentrum (Crc., now V.) Penang Sunset
(vietnamica x ampullacea)
Image 188-10
Ascda. (syn. V.) Perla del Caribe
(Krailerk White x sanderiana)
Image 131-9
Ascda. (syn. V.) Pralor
(Meda Arnold x miniata)
Image 62-10
Ascda. (syn. V.) (Salva Dela Peña x Guo Chia Long)
Image 154-12
Ascda. (syn. V.) Somsri Gold 'Pachara'
(Nopporn Gold x Rasri Gold)
Image 62-11
Ascda. (syn. V.) Somsri Nugget 'Orange Delight'
(Ferdinand x Pralor)
Image 156-13
Ascda. (syn. V.) (Spirit Creek Garnet x Greg Scott)
Image 151-11
Ascda. (syn. V.) Sweet Cherry
(not registered with RHS)
Image 62-12
Ascda. (syn. V.) Sweet Pea
(bensonii x Peggy Foo)
Image 140-8
Ascda. (syn. V.) Udomchai
(Nam Phung x Pralor)
Image 62-13
Ascda. (syn. V.) Vernon Kebodeaux
(Tubtim Velvet x Charles Goodfellow)
Image 142-13
Ascda. (syn. V.) Yarnisa Gold
(Darres' Golden Heritage x Anant Gold)
We continue to use the genus names per Sander. There have been many changes in taxonomy accepted by the RHS and AOS. The Ascocentrum (Asctm.), Christensonia (Chri.) and Neofinetia (Neof.) genera have been eliminated and their species and hybrids have been lumped together into Vanda, although we continue to show them on the Ascocentrum and Neofinetia pages. With the splitting off of the terete vandas into Papilionanthe (Ple.), hybrids in this genus are now known as Papilionanda (Pda.). In the hope of avoiding confusion, we also show the new genus names in parentheses where different from Sander nomenclature. The Aeridinae Subtribe includes Aerides, Amesiella, Arachnis, Ascocentrum, Cleisostoma, Dyakia, Gastrochilus, Haraella, Holcoglossum, Neofinetia, Paraphalaenopsis, Phalaenopsis, Pomatocalpa, Renanthera, Rhynchostylis, Robiqutia, Schoenorchis, Sedirea, Staurochilus, Stereochilus, Thrixspermum, Trichoglottis, Tuberolabium, Vanda and Vandopsis.