2015 Show Table Orchid Photographs
Members bring their blooming orchids to the show table (complete this handy interactive form to identify your plants). Members vote for their favorite orchid on the Show Table.
Members Choice: Blc. Amy Wakasugi 'Yamanashi'
Grower: Courtney Hackney
Members Choice: Cymbidium England's Rose x Cym. Gordon Gibbs
Grower: Harry and Celia McElroy
Members Choice: Blc. Double Whammy
Grower: Bob and Yvonne Schimmel
Members Choice: Catasetum Portagee Star 'Brian Lawson's Sunrise' HCC/AOS
Grower: Sue Bottom
Members Choice: Doritaenopsis Purple Martin
Grower: Linda Stewart
Members Choice: Dendrochilum filiforme 'Willow Pond'
Grower: Sue Bottom
Members Choice: Paphiopedilum Saint Swithin
Grower: Sue Bottom
Members Choice: Mystacidium braebonae
Grower: Bob and Yvonne Schimmel
Members Choice: Phalaenopsis Bataan
Grower: Harry and Celia McElroy
Members Choice: Dendrobium Justin Lau
Grower: Sue Bottom
Members Choice: Rhyncholaelia digbyana
Grower: Sue Bottom
Members Choice: Tubecentron Hsinying Girl
Grower: Linda Stewart