May 2019 Show Table
Image 215-1
C. H.G. Selfridge
Sue Bottom
Image 215-2
C. maxima
Sue Bottom
Image 215-3
Enc. bractescens
John Van Brocklin
Image 215-4
Lc. (syn. C.) Irene Finney 'Spring's Best' AM/AOS
Larry McNally
Image 215-5
Cym. Mem. Geoff Laird
Harry and Celia McElroy
Image 215-6
Den. capituliflorum
Janis Croft
Image 215-7
Den. Fire Wings
Jerry Fowler
Image 215-8
Onc. sphacelatum
Scott and Michele Campbell
Image 215-9
Inci Willard
Image 215-10
Phal. Phal. GC Reyoung Panda
(no RHS registration)
Walter Muller
Image 215-11
Phal. KS Happy Eagle
Tom and Dottie Sullivan
Image 215-12
Bulb. maximum
Linda Stewart
Image 215-13
Cyrtorchis (Cyrtcs.) Hendrik van der Hoven
Sue Bottom