2015 Inspiration Artwork by Terry Bottom
Image 2015-01
Habenaria Regnieri
(Hab. carnea x Hab. rhodocheila)
Image 2015-02
C. skinneri var. alba
Image 2015-03
Neofinetia falcata Japanese Style
Image 2015-04
C. Chocolate Drop x C. amethystoglossa
Image 2015-05
Aeranthes Grandiose 'Shooting Stars' AM/AOS
(Aerth. grandiflora x Aerth. ramosa)
Image 2015-06
Stanhopea Lydia Bush
(Stan. nigroviolacea x Stan. grandiflora)
Image 2015-07
Wolfgang and Miki Schau
and One of Their Lions
Image 2015-8
Cattleya Asta
(C. bicolor x C. leopoldii alba)
Image 2015-09
Phalaenopsis Yu Pin Easter Island
(Phal. Sogo Yukidian x Phal. World Class)
Image 2015-10
Cycnoches Sevenfold
(Cyc. warscewiczii x Cyc. Swan Cascade)
Image 2015-11
Dendrophylax lindenii 'Glade Spirit' FCC/AOS
Ghost Orchid
Image 2015-12
Lc. Waianae Blaze 'Sweetheart'
(Lc. Royal Emperor x Lc. Lisa Ann)