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Orchid Culture - Watering, Water Quality and Fertilizer

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Water Quality and Fertilizer for Orchids
Understanding pH Management and Plant Nutrition

pH Management and Plant Nutrition

Bill Argo, Blackmore Co., Journal of the International Phalaenopsis Alliance
Part 1 Intro
Part 2 Water Quality
Part 3 Fertilizers
Part 4 Substrates
Part 5 Choosing the Best Fertilizers
Water Quality and Fertilizer for Orchids
Water Quality and Fertilizer for Orchids
Cymbidium Growing Tips by Harry McElroy

Plant Nutrition and Supplements

Calcium and Magnesium, Sue Bottom, SAOS
Calcium Deficiency in Cattleyas, Sue Bottom
Silicon Supplements, Sue Bottom, SAOS
Magnesium or Phosphorus Promote Flowering? Dr. Yin-Tung Wang
Orchid Supplement... Or Snake Oil?, Sue Bottom, SAOS
Orchid Myths - Foliar Feeding, Sue Bottom, SAOS
Michigan State University Type Fertilizer

Peters Complete Guide to Fertilizer Selection

You can download a selection guide with lots of detailed information about their fertilizer. Consider adding supplemental magnesium in the form of Epsom salts with your fertilizer.
- For low to moderate alkalinity water or if you grow in a highly organic mix like bark or coconut, use a Cal Mag fertilizer (like Peters 17-3-17 Peat Lite Neutral Cal Mag or 15-5-15 Cal Mag fertilizer).
- For high alkalinity water from our shallow wells, use an acid generating fertilizer and Epsom salts (like 20-20-20 or 20-10-20 available from retail outlets; or Peters Excel 21-5-20 Multi Purpose from horticultural sources; Peters 18-8-17 Peat Lite High Mag Special would be ideal but is not available in Florida.)
Rainwater Harvesting