October in St. Augustine.
We usually receive our first cold snap around Halloween, so if you are growing outdoors, this is the time for you to make your winter preparations...
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Fall Preparations.
Gone are the hot days of summer, but the fall season reminds us that it is time to prepare for the coming cold season...
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For many years, the only water available to me for my orchids was too salty and getting even worse from salt water intrusion into the aquifer. A concrete cistern...
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Progress of the Season.
This September has been a little wetter than usual but the rain has fallen in a pattern beneficial to our orchids. Rather than the typical soft slow drizzles...
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Orchids in October.
October is a month of change in South Florida. If the Romans had lived here where we do, they would have named this month for their two faced god
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Trust, But Verify.
Everybody’s got an opinion, and orchid growers are no different. When you read or hear orchid cultural advice, you can assume that the recommendations...
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Buying Seedling Orchids.
Some people only buy orchids in bloom so they can choose which orchid flower they like the best. These plants are usually older and so are more expensive ...
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