Cattleya Alliance Photographs

Laeliinae Subtribe

Cattleya Species

Cattleya Species

Photographs of Cattleyas (C.) Species
(genus as per Sander, with the changes in taxonomy, species in this genus are now known as Cattleya (C.) and Guarianthe (Gur.))
Cattleya Hybrids

Cattleya Hybrids

Photographs of Cattleya (C.) Hybrids
(genus as per Sander, with the changes in taxonomy, hybrids in this genus are now known as Cattleya (C.) and Cattlianthe (Ctt.))
Brassavola & Rhyncholaelia

Brassavolas, Rhyncholaelias and Their Hybrids

Photographs of Brassavolas (B.), Rhyncholaelias (Rl.) and Their Hybrids (Bc., Bl., Bnts.)
(genus as per Sanders, species and hybrids in this genus are now known as Brassavola (B.), Brassocatanthe (Bct.), Brassanthe (Bsn.), Rhynchovola (Rcv.), Rhyncholaelia (Rl.) and Rhyncholaeliocattleya (Rlc.))
Laelia species

Laelia Species

Photographs of Laelia (L.) Species
(genus as per Sander, with the changes in taxonomy, species in this genus are now known as Cattleya (C.) and Laelia (L.))
Laelia Hybrids

Laelia Hybrids

Photographs of Laelia Hybrids (L., Lc.)
(genus as per Sander,with the changes in taxonomy, hybrids in this genus are now known as Cattleya (C.), Cattlianthe (Ctt.), Laelia (L.) and Laeliocattleya (Lc.))


Photographs of Brassolaeliocattleya Hybrids (Blc.)
(genus as per Sander, with the changes in taxonomy, hybrids in this genus are now known as Brassocattleya (Bc.), Cattleya (C.), Rhynchobrassoleya (Rby.), Rhyncatlaelia (Ryc.), Rhyncattleanthe (Rth.) and Rhyncholaeliocattleya (Rlc.))

Sophronitis Species and Hybrids

Photographs of Sophronitis (S.) and Sophronitis Hybrids (Bnts., Pot., Sc., Slc.)
(genus as per Sander, with the changes in taxonomy eliminating the Sophronitis genus, plants in these genera are now known as Brassocattleya (Bc.), Cattleya (C.), Cattlianthe (Ctt.) , Rhyncattleanthe (Rth.) and Rhyncholaeliocattleya (Rlc.))
Encyclias and Epidendrums

Encyclias, Epidendrums and Their Hybrids

Photographs of Encyclias (Enc.), Epidendrums (Epi.), Prostheceas (Psh.) and Their Hybrids (Bepi., Epc., Epl., Eplc., Epy., Kir., Vnra., Yam.)
(genus as per Sander, with the changes in taxonomy, plants in these genera are now known as Cattleychea (Ctyh.), Catyclia (Cty.), Enanthleya (Eny.), Encyclia (E.), Encyvola (Eyv.), Epicyclia (Epy.), Epicatanthe (Ett.), Guaricyclia (Gcy.), Procatavola (Pcv.), Procycleya (Pcc.) and Prosthechea (Psh.))
Myrmecophilas and Schomburgkias

Myrmecophilas, Schomburgkias and Their Hybrids

Photographs of Myrmecophilas (Mcp.), Schomburgkias (Schom.) and Their Hybrids (Myc., Recc., Lyon., Smbc., Smbep., Wmt.)
(genus as per Sander, with the changes in taxonomy eliminating the Schomburgkia genus, plants in these genera are now known as Laelia (L.), Laeliocattleya (Lc.), Laeliocatanthe (Lcn.), Myrmechea (Myh.), Myrmecocattleya (Myc.), Myrmecophila (Mcp.) and Rhynchomyrmeleya (Rmy.))

Broughtonias and Their Hybrids

Photographs of Broughtonias (Bro.) and Their Hybrids (Ctna., Gct., Grt., Psct., Rly., Stlma., Vkt.)
(genus as per Sander, with the changes in taxonomy eliminating the Schomburgkia genus, plants in these genera are now known as Cattleytonia (Ctna.), Guaricattonia (Gct.), Guaritonia (Grt.), Psycattleytonia (Psct.), Rhyntonleya (Rly.), Stellamizutaara (Stlma.) and Volkertara (Vkt.)
Other Cattleyas

Other Cattleya Alliance

Photographs of Barkerias (Bark.), Caularthrons (Cau.), Leptotes (Lpt.), Psychilis (Psy.) and Their Hybrids (Diaca., Roth.)