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Monthly SAOS Meeting

March 4 - Brassavolas
Claude Hamilton, Hamlyn Orchids

    Claude will talk to us about the different Brassavola species and some of their many hybrids. These mostly star shaped flowers are night fragrant, with native habitats ranging from Mexico, Central America and the West Indies into South America.
    Claude has been growing orchids for more than 50 years. He and his wife, Elizabeth, founded Hamlyn Orchids in Kingston, Jamaica, in 1983, where he became a well-known hybridizer of orchids. Perhaps best known as a breeder of Broughtonia, Encyclia, Myrmecophila, Laelia and their hybrids, he has also bred award-winning Oncidinae, Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis, and Vanda. Hundreds of plants produced at Hamlyn Orchids have won quality or botanical awards from the American Orchid Society as well as other orchid societies around the world. In May 2017, Claude was presented with an award by the American Orchid Society for excellence in hybridizing. Claude will have a preorder list before the meeting.
When: March 4, 6:30 to 9 pm
Where:   Memorial Lutheran Church
Drive around to the back entrance
3375 US 1 South, St. Aug 32086
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SAOS Activities

SAOS News and Activities

Questions? Call or text Sue at 904-501-0805 or email info@StAugOrchidSociety.org.
Click to join the St. Aug Orchid Society.
2025 Dues. Want to join or renew your membership? It's that time of year! The dues are $20 for an individual or $30 for a family if paid by Zelle or Venmo (904-501-0805) or check (mail c/o Linda Stewart, 1812 Diana Drive, Palatka 32177). For an extra dollar use these PayPal links.
Individual Membership
Family Membership
March 1 Repotting Clinic. We're repotting at the Southeast Branch Library. On the first Saturday of the month from 10 am til noon, February through October, St. Augustine Orchid Society members are available to talk with you, answer questions and help you repot orchids.
When: Saturday, March 1, 10 am - noon
Where:   Southeast Branch Library
6670 US 1 N, St Aug 32086
Virtual Show Table
March 12 - Virtual Show Table. Courtney will zoom into cyberspace at 7 pm to tell us about the orchid pictures sent in last month for the virtual show table. An invitation will be sent to your email address. If you want to share images of your beauties in bloom, send high res pictures by the 26th to info@StAugOrchidSociety.org. Here's a link to Courtney's January Virtual Show Table presentation.
Show Table and Orchid Photographs

Monthly Meetings

Photo of the Month. Our February selection is Pot. (syn. Rth.) Kita Karano Hana 'Volcano Queen' grown and photographed by Suzanne Susko. This is another hybrid using the well known Rlc. Goldenzelle as a parent. The orchid has bright yellow coloration and a beautiful patterned lip.
Monthly Meetings. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month. The meeting begins at 6:30 with a plant sale followed by a review of the show table plants and presentation by an orchid expert. The meeting closes with a plant raffle where members can expand their collections. It's fun and informative for growers of all levels. Join us, visitors and guests are always welcome!
Where:   Memorial Lutheran Church
3375 US 1 South, St. Aug 32086
When:   First Tuesday of Month, 6:30 til 9 pm
Monthly SAOS Meeting
What's in Bloom? Bring your blooming orchids to the monthly meeting for others to admire. If you can't come to the meeting, send high res pictures to info@StAugOrchidSociety.org by the 26th of the month.

Cultural Tips for Orchid Growers

Bob Scully's Month by Month Orchid Growing:

February in St. Augustine. Spring is around the corner. Order your potting supplies early to make sure they are not sold out when it's time to repot. Observe plants (including companion plants like bromeliads) carefully for signs of disease and insects... read more

Dr. Courtney Hackney Tips, Redux:

Use Dilute Fertilizer During the past year, I have subjected most of my orchid collection to a large-scale experiment regarding fertilizers and media. How much fertilizer does... read more
Orchid Potting Media Given the popularity of orchids, it is hard to believe that one of the biggest issues for orchid hobbyists today is obtaining media. Most of the difficulties... read more

Dr. Martin Motes Notes:

Progress of the Season. This January has been much drier and overall, much warmer than usual. The massive cold fronts which have devastated the rest of the continent... read more
Orchids in February. Despite the bloom on the avocados and the burgeoning new leaves on the live oaks, February is not spring in South Florida. Danger of freeze continues past mid month and frost can occur still into March. Even if the weather... read more

Culture Article by Sue Bottom:

Trust, But Verify. Everybody’s got an opinion, and orchid growers are no different. When you read or hear orchid cultural advice, you can assume that the recommendations... read more
Buying Seedling Orchids. Some people only buy orchids in bloom so they can choose which orchid flower they like the best. These plants are usually older and so are more expensive ... read more

Join or Renew Your Membership

The St. Augustine Orchid Society is a dynamic group of orchid growers having all levels of experience, from those who just brought their first orchid home to those with overflowing greenhouses. All members have one thing in common. We love to share our experiences, our knowledge and our orchid divisions with other orchid growers. Come to one of our meetings so we can get to know each other. If you would like to join, you can complete this interactive form.

Join the Club or Pay Your Dues

The dues are $20 for an individual or $30 for a family if paid by Zelle or Venmo (904-501-0805) or check (mail c/o Linda Stewart, 1812 Diana Drive, Palatka 32177). For an extra dollar use the PayPal links below.

Individual Membership

Family Membership

Newsletter Subscription

Not from St. Augustine? Sign up for a $7 annual on-line subscription. We'll deliver our newsletter packed with advice right to your in-box.

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We have assembled lots of information to help you grow the happiest and healthiest orchids. Help us maintain this orchid cultural database with your financial support! If you like what you see, click on the Tip Jar. Thank you!

Donate to the Nonprofit SAOS

Donate to the St. Augustine Orchid Society and PayPal waives all fees. Select the St. Augustine Orchid Society as your favorite charity by clicking this link.
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